The Independent is dedicated to telling important stories on issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. An example of their work is the documentary ‘The A Word’, which sheds light on American women fighting for reproductive rights. At a crucial moment in US history, The Independent relies on donors to support their journalists on the ground, ensuring fair and thorough reporting from both sides of an issue.
Missouri’s Republican attorney general, Andrew Bailey, has stated that he will continue to enforce laws restricting abortion, despite a new constitutional amendment in the state that is expected to undo a near-total ban on the procedure. The amendment allows for abortion after fetal viability in cases where it is deemed necessary to protect the life or health of the pregnant person. Bailey’s opinion comes in response to a ballot measure that enshrines abortion rights in the state constitution, while still allowing lawmakers to restrict or ban it after fetal viability.
The passage of the measure was a victory for abortion rights advocates in Missouri, but some concerns remain about possible restrictions that could be imposed by the Republican-controlled Legislature. Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit to invalidate the state’s abortion ban and other related laws. The Independent’s reporting sheds light on these critical issues, emphasizing the importance of impartial journalism in today’s political climate.
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