A new Prime Video documentary series is set to uncover the dark side of Lisa Frank Incorporated, the iconic brand known for its brightly-colored school supplies and stickers for kids. The upcoming four-part series, titled Glitter & Greed: The Lisa Frank Story, reveals a hidden toxicity that allegedly lurked at the heart of the company for decades. Contributors interviewed for the documentary claim that there were scandals, greed, legal battles, and a management by fear tactic within the company.
The trailer for the documentary has sparked mixed reactions among fans, with some expressing resistance to watching it out of fear that it will ruin their childhood nostalgia. Despite this, the series, which features never-before-seen footage and interviews with insiders, enthusiasts, and journalists, is set for release on December 5.
The executive producers behind the documentary, known for their work on Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV, shed light on the sinister truth behind beloved brands and industries. Quiet on Set focused on the toxic behind-the-scenes world of children’s television programs, with a particular focus on the tenure of producer Dan Schneider at Nickelodeon. Glitter & Greed promises to unravel a nostalgia-soaked tale that takes viewers into the hidden world that has been lurking at the heart of Lisa Frank Incorporated.
Photo credit www.dailymail.co.uk