Former students of a Missouri boarding school are speaking out against a bill they believe is a political ploy. The bill would allow the state to regulate unlicensed residential care facilities, a move which former students see as a response to recent abuse allegations at the now-closed school.
The bill has stirred up strong emotions among the former students, with one describing it as leaving them “shaken.” The accusations of abuse at the boarding school have led to calls for more oversight and regulation of such facilities to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The former students believe that the bill is being used as a way for politicians to gain favor with voters by appearing tough on abuse of vulnerable populations. They argue that the real issue is not whether the facilities are licensed or not, but rather the lack of accountability and oversight that allowed the abuse to occur in the first place.
The emotional responses from the former students highlight the impact that the abuse allegations have had on them and their desire to see justice served. They are calling for a deeper investigation into the abuse allegations and for those responsible to be held accountable for their actions.
In conclusion, the former students of the Missouri boarding school are speaking out against a bill they see as a political ploy. They are calling for more accountability and oversight of residential care facilities to prevent future abuse. Their emotional responses to the bill highlight the impact that the abuse allegations have had on them and their desire for justice to be served.
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